Civil Discourse

I’m committed to open communication, respecting diverse perspectives, and defending free speech. Civil behavior, active listening, community-based solutions, and academic freedom are the paths to balancing passion concerning constructive conversations. I stress the importance of problem-solving, and creating dialogue that promotes the continued prosperity of Utah.

  • Respecting Diverse Perspectives: I am committed to promoting an open-minded approach that values diverse perspectives and opinions. A healthy republic is built on an environment where all voices are heard and respected. I will advocate for a space where various ideas can be contributed.

  • Promoting Free Speech: Individuals should feel free to express their opinions and engage in dialogue without fear of retaliation. I emphasize the importance of free speech and preserving that fundamental right.

  • Civility in Political Discourse: I will call for respect and responsibility in civil political discourse, encouraging productive, effective conversations even when discussing contentious issues. I will reject personal attacks, and focus on the substance of arguments to foster a constructive political environment.

  • Understanding Intent vs. Impact: I encourage individuals to consider both the intent and impact of their words. Recognizing that well-meaning communication can still have unintended consequences. I will advocate for thoughtful and considerate expression.

  • Educating the Public: I will advocate for an educational environment that promotes the principles of civil discourse. Fostering an environment where individuals get to learn how to engage in thoughtful conversations is essential for a healthy society.

  • Listening Actively: I highlight the importance of active listening and allowing individuals to understand different perspectives. This allows people to find common ground even in passionate disagreements. Active listening is a crucial element of fostering understanding and cooperation.

  • Social Media Responsibility: I encourage the responsible use of social media platforms. Advocating for users to contribute positively to discourse in online spaces is important to maintaining a healthy media environment.

  • Promoting Critical Thinking: I will expand efforts to promote critical thinking skills. I want to enable individuals to analyze information critically, evaluate different perspectives, and engage in informed discussion.

  • Community-Based Solutions: I will provide opportunities for community members to express their concerns and engage in civil discourse with local leaders. Advocating for community-based solutions is the most effective way to address community issues.

  • Modeling Civil Behavior: I will encourage public figures and leaders to model civil behavior, setting an example for others to follow. I want to highlight the importance of leaders engaging in respectful dialogue even when facing disagreements to foster a culture of civility.

  • Protecting Academic Freedom: I support the promotion of academic freedom on college campuses and other public forums. I want to ensure that diverse perspectives are welcomed and that individuals feel free to express their ideas, resulting in a vibrant academic environment.

  • Balancing Passion with Respect: Individuals may feel passionately about their beliefs. I stress the need to express that passion in a manner that is respectful and conducive to productive conversations. Balancing passion with respect is crucial for maintaining a healthy and constructive discourse.

Jason would love to know your thoughts on civil discourse. Please send him a message sharing your thoughts.