Public Lands

  • State Control and Local Regulation: I am committed to ensuring that control over Utah’s public lands will be returned to the people of Utah. I will ensure that the federal government will not be the primary caretaker of our public lands, returning local autonomy to the state.

  • Economic Development and Resource Extraction: Responsible resource extraction on public land is the key to vast economic development and job creation, while not jeopardizing our state’s natural beauty or ecosystems. I will support policies that balance conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources; benefiting Utah's local economies while reinforcing cleaner and more affordable energy options. Finally, I won't allow foreign entities to pollute our environment and drain resources from our communities.

  • Multiple Use Policies: A balanced approach to land use is critical to meet the diverse needs of local communities. Multiple-use policies allow for various activities on public lands, including recreation, grazing, and energy development.

  • Reducing Federal Land Ownership: State and local control over lands in Utah is more effective, successful, and economical than federal oversight. I will actively work to reduce federal land ownership in Utah.

  • Streamlined Permitting Processes: Reworking permit processes to be smoother and more efficient is vital for facilitating the responsible development of public lands while promoting economic growth and job creation. I won’t allow Utah to fall behind in the energy race.

  • Collaboration with Stakeholders: I will work with affected parties on better cooperation with federal agencies and local communities to prioritize a “people first” approach to land management.

  • Preservation of Historical and Cultural Sites: I will preserve historic and cultural sites on public lands while implementing a balanced approach between economic and conservational factors.

  • Promoting Recreation and Tourism: Utah’s recreational opportunities are the best in the nation and should be enjoyed on public lands. I will promote policies that enhance access for responsible outdoor enthusiasts who respect our public spaces.

  • Fire Management and Forest Health: I will implement policy to reduce the risk of wildfires and advocate for responsible forest management practices that enhance the health of our public lands.

  • Protecting Private Property Rights: I will remove poor federal management decisions by advocating for the protection of private property rights adjacent to public lands, ensuring that landowners are unrestricted in their use of property.

  • Balancing Conservation with Development: A balanced approach to economic potential and environmental conservation will produce the most efficient outcome for our public lands and local communities, striking a reasonable balance between preservation and development.

Jason would love to know your thoughts on public lands. Please send him a message sharing your thoughts.