Water Rights and Water Conservation

  • Private Property Rights: Preserving the livelihoods of our farmers by ensuring their access to the water they need is a top priority for me. I am dedicated to safeguarding the right to water as a fundamental aspect of individual liberty. Clear and secure property rights empower people to make responsible and sustainable decisions.

  • Local Control and Decentralized Solutions: I believe in empowering local communities to solve local solutions in water management. Communities are better equipped to address their unique water needs than distant government entities. I vehemently oppose excessive federal and state regulations that hinder our local communities from effectively managing water resources.

  • Market-Based Approaches: I support market-driven solutions for water allocation. Water markets and trading systems can efficiently distribute water resources and promote conservation. A market-oriented approach incentivizes individuals to use water efficiently and adapt to changing conditions.

  • Voluntary Conservation: I promote voluntary water conservation efforts over mandatory regulations, streamlining education and emphasizing a culture of water efficiency can more effectively incentivize individual responsibility than governmental regulations. Building on successful initiatives in River Heights and local partnerships, I aim to implement similar policies at a district level for continued success in water conservation.

  • Infrastructure Investment: Streamlining our water infrastructure can drastically bolster conservation efforts. Addressing storage, distribution, and efficiency issues is crucial to ensuring a reliable, resilient, and sustainable water supply.

  • Drought Preparedness and Innovation: I prioritize proactive drought preparedness measures, investing in technology and innovation to improve water efficiency and resilience in changing climate conditions. Revamping efforts to foster innovation in water conservancy ensures measurable outcomes contributing to the long-term well-being of our community.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sectors in developing and implementing water conservation strategies can better combine total resources to find more efficient strategies in water conservation and infrastructure and is a key aspect of my approach.

  • Balancing Agricultural and Urban Needs: Recognizing our community's significant agricultural and urban water needs, I advocate for innovative and collaborative policies that strike a balance between these competing demands.

Jason would love to know your thoughts on water rights and conservation. Please send him a message sharing your thoughts.